The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web.

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Issue 14; #WTFF Part I, Walking Safety Coat

by T W Coombs esq.

Welcome to first of, I hope, many instalments in the #WTFF series, a delve in the more odd things that the fashion industry throw at us.  If you like fashion or even just slightly interested then you may occasionally stumble upon the craziness that is the fashion world. I mean who leaves their entire fortune to a cat outside of the world of TV, really, who?

Issue 14; Private Accord The Scent by Hugo Boss

By T W Coombs esq.

It is not often that I change up my smells, I very much have found what I like and stick with them, a man stuck in his ways and frowns upon change.  But every now and again something comes along that is just good enough to add to the shelf.

Issue 14; The Wall by John Lanchester, The Review

By T W Coombs esq.

It seems the review has been left in the dark for a while so thought it was time I brought it back.  The reason is to truly review, a place like a restaurant, book or film that I have enjoyed and feel you as readers and followers should no about.  And The Wall is one of these.